March 25, 2020

Dubai Taxi Company - American University of Sharjah to boost academic cooperation

Dubai Taxi Company (DTC) at Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and the American University of Sharjah (AUS) are set to boost their cooperation in academic and research fields of relevance.

Dubai Taxi Company - American University of Sharjah to boost academic cooperation

Dubai Taxi Company (DTC) at Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and the American University of Sharjah (AUS) are set to boost their cooperation in academic and research fields of relevance.

To this effect, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Dr. Yousef Al Ali, CEO of DTC, and Professor Kevin Mitchell, Chancellor of AUS, at DTC’s premises. The step is part of DTC’s plan to polish the skills of employees and enrich their scientific knowledge while empowering them to improve DTC’s business processes.

"The MoU calls for the two parties to cooperate in developing an academic and research mobility programme to train DTC employees on, and make them more innovative. The step supports DTC’s efforts to boost the scientific cooperation with universities, especially as the study programmes on offer to employees are related to several programmes run by local universities," said Al Ali.

"The MoU enables our employees to benefit from AUS academic programmes and take part in research and consultation projects that serve the needs of Dubai’s economy. It calls for more cooperation in holding relevant conferences, and entitles employees to use the university’s libraries and facilities," he noted.

Prof Mitchell expressed his delight with the cooperation between AUS and DTC. "Taxi sector unlocks a lot of potentials that serve the future of AUS students. AUS will cooperate with DTC in developing academic programmes compatible with its current and future needs. DTC’s staffs affiliated to the AUS programme will have access to relevant facilities and resources of the university. AUS is committed to playing a key role in applying knowledge and innovation to realise its strategic objectives."

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